Arctic Focus, October 5, 2009
Greenpeace protests at Arctic coal mine
On Friday members of Greenpeace blocked a coal mine in the archipelago in Arctic Norway. The environmental group was protesting plans for further coal production in the deep Arctic region. Over a dozen people protested by stopping a conveyor belt at the Svea mine that was carrying coal to a vessel that was scheduled to go to Portugal with a 70,000 ton load of coal this past week end.
BarentsObserver, October 5, 2009
Globalization at the border
Climate change and the globalization of the economy is making cross-border cooperation increasingly important, Thorvald Stoltenberg highlighted in his presentation at the Stoltenberg Symposium last week.
BarentsObserver, October 2, 2009
Finnish minister to Arkhangelsk
Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, Paavo Väyrynen, will visit Arkhangelsk next week.
Arctic Focus, October 2, 2009
Inuit should have a role in Northwest Passage
During a presentation on Thursday to the Canadian House of Commons in regards to Arctic sovereignty, Mary Simon, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami president, said that Canada should create a joint federal-Inuit “authority” to manage ships travelling the Arctic sea route as a means of strengthening the country’s claims to the much disputed Northwest Passage.
Arctic Focus, October 1, 2009
Russia concerned with US missiles in Arctic
Russia’s envoy to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, recently told Vesit 24 television that he is concerned that with the melting ice in the Arctic and the waterway becoming more accessible to ships, it could put the United States in the perfect position to have shipboard missiles as a means of defense to counter Russian weapons.
BarentsObserver, October 1, 2009
Denmark closer to the North Pole
Recently collected geological data strengthen Denmark’s and Greenlandic territorial claims to the North Pole.