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Global Security, Climate Change, and the Arctic

Published by Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security (ACDIS), University of Illinois. Swords and Ploughshares series. Vol. XVII / No. 3 / Fall 2009

This issue of Swords and Ploughshares examines the complex set of global security challenges that are emerging as a result of warmer temperatures and melting ice in the Arctic region. For policymakers and analysts alike, the contemporary Arctic presents a particularly acute convergence of compelling problems and opportunities related to global security, foreign affairs, climate change, environmentalism, international law, energy economics, and the rights of indigenous populations. The goals of this publication are two-fold: to provide thoughtful analysis of recent developments in the Arctic both from scientific and geopolitical perspectives; and to offer careful and informed assessments of how evolving conditions in the Arctic might impact the broader global security framework and relations between the international actors involved, not to mention the region’s inhabitants and ecosystem.